Stockmen's Park, Dedicated to our Veterans,
Now Open in Downtown Livermore
October 23, 2020
The Livermore Stockmen’s Rodeo Association is proud of our partnership with many local agencies, including the City of Livermore, to bring a park to our downtown core!
On May 19, 2018, the City of Livermore, along with the Livermore Stockmen's Rodeo Association, broke ground a beautiful park dedicated to our veterans southwest of the corner of South Livermore and Railroad Avenues. Construction began in the Fall of 2019, and is now open to the public!
The approved plan will also include a Black Box Theater and Science Center immediately to the west of Stockmen's Park.
On Sunday, July 28, 2019 the City of Livermore, along with the LSRA and other community groups and residents, celebrated the ribbon cutting ceremony for Veterans Way, the new east / west street in Downtown Livermore. The event took place along Veterans Way and within the surface parking area behind First Street Alehouse (Veterans Way runs from South Livermore Avenue to South L Street, between Railroad Avenue and First Street).
The event included a motorcade of vintage cars and military vehicles through Downtown Livermore. The motorcade carried representatives from veteran associations throughout Livermore, Pleasanton, and Dublin, as well as elected officials, members from the Livermore Stockmen’s Rodeo Association, and Livermore Downtown Inc. The program included remarks from Mayor John Marchand and representatives from the Livermore Stockmen’s Rodeo Association, Livermore Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7265, and Livermore Downtown Inc.
A Mobile Vet Center was available to provide outreach and referral services and confidential counseling space for veterans, service members, and their families. Following the ceremony, the vintage and military vehicles were on display along Veterans Way.
Veterans Way is named in honor of the veteran community and the countless contributions veterans have made to ensure the safety and well-being of all. This two-way street runs from South Livermore Avenue to South L Street. It provides diagonal parking and convenient access to nearby amenities, including businesses and the future Stockmen’s Park.